Comments on: Customer-Centric A toolkit for innovators, rule-breakers and changemakers Thu, 03 Aug 2017 17:59:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: lukehohmann Wed, 03 Apr 2013 15:27:50 +0000 Paul –
My recommendation is that instead of focusing on the game, focus on the kinds of outcomes you want to achieve through game play. If the outcomes you’re focusing on are big or complex, then you’re going to find yourself playing a big or complex game.

However, if you start with more modest goals, you’ll find that you can choose simpler games or simpler applications of the games. This allows you to gain skill in a more natural manner.

Here are four games that I recommend in every class as great games to get you started.

Speed Boat
Even the most satisfied customers have ideas on how you can improve your products and services. Speed Boat gives your customers an opportunity to share these ideas with you.

Buy A Feature
Product development is a constant art of managing to deliver the most important features within limited resources. To make this even more challenging, most products teams have more ideas on what features they should add to their products than the resources needed to add them. Buy a Feature helps you make tough prioritization decisions by giving your customers a voice in the prioritization process.

Product Box / Design the Box
Good product managers have a strong point of view of what their market needs. Great product managers take the time to explore “What they don’t know they don’t know” through open-ended, qualitative market research. Product Box provides you with new possibilities through open-ended exploration.

Spider Web
You need to understand how your product fits into your customers’ world so that you can make effective choices about what does and does not go into your product. By asking your customers to explain their view of how your product fits into their world, Spider Web can help you do this.

These four games produce great results and are very easy to play. Use these to get started!

By: Paul Raiche Sun, 24 Mar 2013 17:07:35 +0000 I find the book very interesting. The Intro chapters are excellent, a “must read”. Where I have a problem is with the games themselves. Because I am a novice, it is hard to know which games to start with. I just finishing the Business Model Generation before the 2 day workshop this coming week. I use this to prove the point. In Gamestorming, it is a 2 pager. Some of the other games seem just as daunting… If there was a way to guide the reader on ease of application and level of expertise – that would be great! Also, on those that require more knowledge and expertise, resource recommendations would be handy. Best Regards, Paul
